Friday, July 4, 2008

Obscured by the geeks...

But...1 day we will rule the world...

never have i despised our postman so much...but then the dreaded day had to come once...Then he came..the harbinger of harsh reality...the suck away all the happiness from my life...slidding indifferently,happily the CGPA(cumulative grade something something) card under my door and at what perfect time when everybody was having their lunch peacefully,merrily until.The result very much expected...but the reactions of my parents certainly not... nearly 15% of the so called 'students' at bits-pilani get their cg above 8.0 another 65% between 7 and 8 but getting into the elite one understands how difficult it is...requires some special character...some special qualities.U know getting 6.something requires some specific traits...and i ll explain u the associated qualities...
1.Bunking Lectures-Self Study...what have we been taught since our childhood...all that crap about self help and all...and what happens to the ones who follow it..studying one night before the exams..trying to understand the name of the course without ever having enjoyed the comforts of air conditioned class rooms...what do we get...we get... that pathetic oh-no-he-is-a-6pointer look.hate all u 7pointers and above....
2.sleeping through your tutorials-Courage...ya this is what bravery is all about having alreadymissed 3 tutorials in a row it requires damn courage to miss your fourth one and lay youself serenely in the arms of Morpheus...have a blissful dreams...and ya...if easy follow them...
3.doing nothing and listening floyd-Patience.sounds easy,doesnt it?....believe me it isn' is very difficult to lay yourself idle without loss of temper..even after hearing all the crap of the outside materialistic world( i even sound spiritual)running after their grades all the time....
4.Gaming-Dedication.fighting all day long the virtual fiendish,diabolic monsters not giving a damn about your health,hunger,weather and of course acads requires some extraordinary perseverance and dedication+it also makes you prepared for the so called 'real tough world'outside...but i guess all you nerds will never understand this..
The most important and highly unnoticed virtue i should say of the 6 pointers is undoubtedly 'social service'..without any recognition...without any praise...with being humble all the time...never showing is for us that all you 8pointers are 8ps,9pointers are 9ps(the callous,unsympathetic people that u have become)and 10 pointers are aliens....ya...they do not belong to this world...they seem to have some extraordinary supernatural powers...which they are misusing completely for the destruction of earth...because in this world of cut throat competition we are the ones who let you climb the ladder.making your world so much easier to much more peaceful... The list will go on and on...wont fit in here...making everyone aware of the extraordinary talent we much we suffer for this world....the qualities u all can only aspire for....but we the6 ps never get the required respect,awe,reverence that we deserve but remember we arent just 'another brick in the wall' and i m serious ONE DAY WE WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!!! !!!!!HAIL all the 6 pointers!!!!!

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